Jewish Lords' Witness

  1. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​A Spiritual Journey - How a physical Jew followed a path through the wilderness for 40 years that eventually brought him to the fourth and last True Christian Church to become a spiritual Jew. Food for thought for Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, Evolutionists and Creationists alike.
  2. The Blood Issue - One of the Web-Master's major issues with the Watchtower Society. My orginal work on why this is a scripturally incorrect and evil doctrine and how the Lords' Witnesses responded to my work in this area.
  3. The Jewish Christian Church - Fourteen reasons to be cheerful for Jews who are looking for the True Christian Church. It is rather closer in doctrine to their Jewish beliefs than they might have dared imagine.
  4. Church Doctrine of the Lords' Witnesses - A succinct web-page on this site covering our church's main doctrines. I have the honour of being the web-master for this page albeit under the church's presidential supervision.There are links from here into the main web-site should you be interested in further detail in any specific topic area. I hope you find this tempts you into finding out more about us.
  5. The Fourth Light - The JLW's first foray into writing a science fiction novel.
  6. Mankind's Status Compared with that of the Angels - Paper the first written by the Web-Master. Not only is this his first piece of serious personal bible research but also the first  of his papers to be adopted on the official Lords' Witnesses web-site in Understanding 511 Will humans really rule over the angels:
  7. A Brief History of Darkness - Paper the second written by the Web-Master and guaranteed to blow your mind by correlating the cosmological phenomena of dark energy and dark  matter with heaven and hell.
  8. Mind, Heart and Spirit - Paper the third written by the Web-Master recalls the Understanding on the Lords' Witnesses web-site defining the component parts of a man’s soul and questions whether this represents too simplistic a model. This paper has been adopted  by the Lords' Witnesses and the official version can be found on their web-site as Understanding 257 - The Spirit is the Mind and the Heart together. It is Software which can run on Human, Angelic or Divine Hardware:
  9. The Body of God - Paper the fourth written by the Web-Master considers that whilst man was made in the image of God, it might be interesting to contemplate just how like God Man really is from a physical aspect.
  10. The Brain's Capability Compared with that of the Spirit - Paper the fifth written by the Web-Master considers the relative capabilities of the human brain compared with the spirit of man. Some elements of this paper have been adopted officially by the Lords' Witnesses and can be found on their web-site embedded within Understanding 257 - The Spirit is the Mind and the Heart together. It is Software which can run on Human, Angelic or Divine Hardware
  11. Circumcision - Paper the sixth written by the Web-Master considers the strange requirement of God upon Abraham and his descendants to remove the male foreskin. A matter of some personal curiosity to the Web-Master.
  12. Angels and Spirits - Paper the seventh written by the Web-Master considers the question of whether there are different categories of spirit and angelic creature in God’s heavenly creation
  13. Faith - Paper the eighth written by the Web-Master considers the true nature of faith.
  14. The Right Hand of God - Paper the ninth written by the Web-Master contemplates the powers manifest in scripture of this specific extremity of God's body.
  15. Heavens Above - Paper the tenth written by the Web-Master considers the multiplicity of heavens in God's creation and, in the process, discovers something very unusual regarding Noah's flood waters.
  16. Heroes and Villains - Paper the eleventh written by the Web-Master which compares the requirements in the Kingdom of the heroes and villains of the current system of things.
  17. Fatherhood - Paper the twelfth written by the Web-Master which considers the responsibilities of parenthood both fleshly and divine.
  18. Male and Female - Paper the thirteenth written by the Web-Master which contends that our very spirits have our gender imbued within us.
  19. Jesus Christ - Superdoc - Paper the fourteenth written by the Web-Master which examines what we can learn from Christ's healing miracles. The key element of this paper has been adopted officially by the Lords' Witnesses and can be found on their web-site embedded in Understanding 89c - How did Jesus cure people instantly?
  20. Old Age in the Scriptures - Paper the fifteenth written by the Web-Master considers the treatment of old age in the bible and, in the process, discovers something unexpected relating to many of the bible's old testament patriarchs and the Children of Israel.
  21. Unholy Matrimony - Paper the sixteenth written by the Web-Master under protest at the prospect of churches and synagogues sanctifying same-sex marriages and commenting, en passant, on gay vicars and female priests just for good measure!
  22. Holy Matrimony - Paper the seventeenth written by the Web-Master curious as to the legal standing of polygamy under God's Law and Christ's teachings.
  23. Signs of the End Times - Paper the eighteenth written by the Web-Master incensed by the growing Christian persecution taking place in so-called Christian nations.
  24. Psychopathy - Paper the nineteenth written by the Web-Master intrigued by the nature of the psychopathic mind and God's judgement on the psychopathic killer.
  25. Kingdom Rules OK - Paper the twentieth written by the Web-Master, motivated by recent work giving the Lords' Witnesses responsibility for setting the laws for serious sexual misconduct in the Kingdom of God on Earth, goes a step further by proposing the rules on family transition from this system into the Kingdom.
  26. Euthanasia - Paper the twenty-first written by the Web-Master, on the scriptural status of euthanasia, a topic that has bothered the writer for some time.
  27. God's Name - Paper the twenty-second written by the Web-Master, on the scriptural evidence that God has a secret name.
  28. Households - Paper the twenty-third written by the Web-Master, to attempt to determine the Kingdom fate of a Lords' Witness's unbaptised family members.
  29. Demonic Possession - Paper the twenty-fourth written by the Web-Master, to examine the nature of the Holy Spiritual powers over the demons.
  30. The Trials of Job - Paper the twenty-fifth written by the Web-Master, to compare Job's reaction to loss and illness with my own pathetic response to a less than severe affliction.
  31. Science Proves the Existence of God - Paper the twenty-sixth written in anger by the Web-Master, objecting to the frequent casual use of the word 'evolution' to allow today's scientists to explain what they clearly do not understand. 
  32. Civil Obedience - Paper the twenty-seventh written in perplexity by the Web-Master, concerned by God's requirements of Romans 13 to obey our corrupt and incompetent earthly rulers.
  33. The Trinity - Paper the twenty-eighth written by the Web-Master, continuing the anti-Trinity doctrine campaign
  34. Time & Circumstance - Paper the twenty-ninth written by the Web-Master, wondering if God's servants in this life suffer all the vagaries of this life as do the bulk of mankind in general.
  35. Doves and Serpents -  Paper the thirtieth written by the Web-Master in a fit of pique at some personal injury but hopefully in an ultimately positive lesson from the Holy Spirit.
  36. Witches - Paper the thirty-first written by the Web-Master as a Satanic sequel to the previous paper.
  37. Anger - Paper the thirty-second written by the Web-Master still trying to learn some positive lessons from the Holy Spirit following on from the previous two papers.
  38. Prayer - Paper the thirty-third written by the Web-Master as a little light relief albeit on an important topic.
  39. Tough Guys - Paper the thirty-fourth written by the Web-Master as a not so light relief albeit on an important topic to myself and my brothers in the Lords' Witnesses.
  40. Lies and Deception - Paper the thirty-fifth written by the Web-Master on a subject that has been bothering me for some time. This research proved to me why it has bothered me to date. 
  41. Theft and Robbery - Paper the thirty-sixth written by the Web-Master on a subject that only started bothering me during the writing of the previous paper. This research was provoked by a challenging atheist web-site on the subject. 
  42. My Crisis in Faith - Paper the thirty-seventh written by the Web-Master, during the recent and probably the lowest point of personal despair I can recall throughout the whole of my no so short life-time this far..
  43. Fleshly Desire - Paper the thirty-eighth written by the Web-Master, my first Spirit-assisted work since I came out of my now not so recent but still probably lowest point of personal despair.
  44. Expletives Deleted - Paper the thirty-ninth written by the Web-Master, the second Spirit-assisted work bearing my soul on another personal failing.
  45. Corruption - Paper the fortieth written by the Web-Master, this time looking at one of the greatest worldly failings of the last days.
  46. Weakness and Strength - Paper the forty-first written by the Web-Master, again bearing my soul on more feelings of personal failure.
  47. Wisdom and Understanding - Paper the forty-second written by the Web-Master, again bearing my soul on more feelings of my reducing wisdom with the increasing years.
  48. Jewish Weddings - Paper the forty-third written by the Web-Master, a paper commissioned by the Lords' Witnesses President, Gordon, on the symbolism of the biblical Jewish wedding.
  49. Crazy OT Prophets - Paper the forty-fourth written by the Web-Master, comparing the Lords' Witnesses President, Gordon, to the Old Testament prophets of old.
  50. Vanity - Paper the forty-fifth written by the Web-Master, looking at a truly deadly sin that we are all prone to.
  51. Responsibilities - Paper the forty-sixth written by the Web-Master, learning lessons from God as to what is expected from us as Lords' Witnesses.
  52. Nations - Paper the forty-seventh written by the Web-Master, charting the history and future of the nations from the Tower of Babel through Abraham to the Kingdom of God.
  53. Time - Paper the forty-eighth written by the Web-Master, considering God's relationship to all four of our four-dimensional existence and, in the process making an important amendment to my earlier Heavens Above paper.
  54. Physical Fitness - Paper the forty-ninth written by the Web-Master, considering if a personal physical fitness training regime meets with God's approval.
  55. Addiction - Paper the fiftieth written by the Web-Master, looking at the many addictive human traits and completing my writings on the seven deadly sins in the process.
  56. Patience - Paper the fifty-first written by the Web-Master, considering the necessity today for a Christian's patience in awaiting God's judgement of the world.
  57. The Disabled - Paper the fifty-second written by the Web-Master, considering the plight and blessings of the disabled in this world and God's purposes for them.
  58. Music - Paper the fifty-third written by the Web-Master, looking at the God-given gift of song to mankind.
  59. Evangelism - Paper the fifty-fourth written by the Web-Master, considering the place of evangelism through biblical times and today.
  60. Signs of the End-Times - Part 2 - Paper the fifty-fifth written by the Web-Master, reviewing end-times prophecy and the current state of the world in comparison.
  61. Self-Love - Paper the fifty-sixth written by the Web-Master, reflecting on a comment from the LW President about the scriptures on loving thy neighbour.
  62. Punishment and Vengeance - Paper the fifty-seventh written by the Web-Master, reflecting on Marvel's The Punisher movie!
  63. Five Senses? - Paper the fifty-eighth written by the Web-Master, considering the nature of man's five senses.
  64. The Kingdom of God - Paper the fifty-ninth written by the Web-Master, considering the nature of God's Kingdom on Earth.
  65. Covid-19 - Paper the sixtieth written by the Web-Master, digging further into end-times prophecy as it pertains to the Covid-19 pandemic.
  66. Variable Speed of Light - Paper the sixty-first written by the Web-Master, as my probable last days' effort to understand the first verses of Genesis and re-write man's understanding of cosmology!
  67. Genesis 1 - Paper the sixty-second written by the Web-Master, following on from the previous paper as my probable final last days' effort to understand the whole of the Genesis creation account.
  68. Gravity - Paper the sixty-third written by the Web-Master, following on again from the previous paper as my probable final last days' effort to understand the importance of gravity in God's book.
  69. Patriarchs' Sons - Paper the sixty-fourth written by the Web-Master, on a topic I have not really looked into until the present times.
  70. ​​Third Temple - Paper the sixty-fifth written by the Web-Master, to settle a bet with a good Christian friend.
  71. ​​The Rapture - Paper the sixty-sixth written by the Web-Master, looking forward to the near future, I hope.
  72. ​​Humour - Paper the sixty-seventh written by the Web-Master, considering this great gift from God.
  73. Nakedness - Paper the sixty-eighth written by the Web-Master, about a subject which is clearly very important to Jehovah.
  74. ​Mysteries - Paper the sixty-ninth written by the Web-Master, about the dark secrets of God (and man as it turns out)!
  75. ​​​The Numbers of the Beast - Paper the seventieth written by the Web-Master, reaching the conclusion that the beast has two numbers.
  76. Personal Heavenly Wars - Paper the seventy-first written by the Web-Master, musing on a possible personal attack by a demon.
  77. Male Chauvinism - Paper the seventy-second written by the Web-Master, the first of my papers to be commissioned by my good lady wife no less!
  78. Satan The Deceiver - Paper the seventy-third written by the Web-Master, on the subject of the inventor of the lie and his current-day imitators. 
  79. Lot's Daughters - Paper the seventy-fourth written by the Web-Master, on the subject of the strange relationship between Lot and his daughters plus the unexpected additional bonus of Judges 19. 
  80. God's Rest - Paper the seventy-fifth written by the Web-Master, on the subject of the seventh day of creation and its greater meaning.
  81. Quantum Mechanics - Paper the seventy-sixth written by the Web-Master, on the subject of the very small of creation and its possible greater meaning.
  82. ​​Marks of the Beast - Paper the seventy-seventh written by the Web-Master, on the subject of the prospective technology required to implement the forthcoming Mark of the Beast and its implications for the Lords' Witnesses' current view of the end-times chronology.
  83. Rulers of this World - Paper the seventy-eighth written by the Web-Master, on the subject of the propensity for the world's political and corporate leaders to blatantly tell lies and commit crimes against the world and its inhabitants and what the scriptures have to say about that state of affairs.
  84. Artificial Intelligence - Paper the seventy-ninth written by the Web-Master, on the subject of yet another self-made major threat to the survival of the human race.
  85. Young Earth Creationism - Paper the eightieth written by the Web-Master, on the subject of a crazy Christian belief.
  86. Cleanliness - Paper the eighty-first written by the Web-Master, on the subject of dealing with a grubby soul.
  87. Patience - Part 2 - Paper the eighty-second written by the Web-Master, as a sequel to the original Patience paper written under more trying circumstances.
  88. ​​Last First and The First Last - Paper the eighty-third written by the Web-Master, as a commission from the Lords' Witnesses President to demonstrate the potentially extreme occurrences of the new Interchangeability Principle of the True Bible Code.
  89. The Setting of The Stones - Paper the eighty-fourth written by the Web-Master, on an unsuccessful attempt at decoding arising from the Last First and The First Last paper.
  90. Ezekiel Chapter 10 - Paper the eighty-fifth written by the Web-Master, on a highly encrypted chapter of the Bible arising from the Last First and The First Last paper.
  91. Simon and Judas - Paper the eighty-sixth written by the Web-Master, on an iconoclastic paper arising from the Last First and The First Last paper.
  92. Prostitution - Paper the eighty-seventh written by the Web-Master, while taking a break from the Last First and The First Last paper.
  93. Money - Paper the eighty-eighth written by the Web-Master, in angst at the overt corruption seen in the upper echelons of corporate and governmental institutions motivated by financial greed.
  94. Physicians - Paper the eighty-ninth written by the Web-Master, the first of potentially four new papers arising from my recent serious medical experiences.
  95. The Heart - Paper the ninetieth written by the Web-Master, the second of now potentially five new papers arising from my recent serious medical experiences.
  96. Testing - Paper the ninety-first written by the Web-Master, the third of potentially five new papers arising from my recent serious medical experiences.
  97. Abortion - Paper the ninety-second written by the Web-Master, the first of two new papers on female topics arising from recent conversations with my dear lady wife.
  98. Rape - Paper the ninety-third written by the Web-Master, the second of two new papers on female topics arising from recent conversations with my dear lady wife.
  99. Greek Mythology - Paper the ninety-fourth written by the Web-Master on something entirely different and previously unplanned.
  100. The Last Day - Paper the ninety-fifth written by the Web-Master returning to the theme of the Last First and The First Last paper.
  101. Matthew 20:16 - Paper the ninety-sixth written by the Web-Master on a long and circuitous treasure hunt initiated by the Last First and The First Last paper.

The first five items below represent an extended introduction to this website and its author. The research papers that then follow have been sequenced in the chronological order in which they were written. This does not follow any other logical sequencing other than the timing upon which the decision was made to write about a certain topic. Where there are logical linkages between papers, these are identified below and/or within the web-pages themselves.

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